How Many Children Avoid Malnutrition Because of MDM and How Does It Improve Health

How Many Children Avoid Malnutrition Because of MDM and How Does It Improve Health

Malnutrition is a big problem in India, especially among children. To reduce this, the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) scheme is being run. The aim of this scheme is to provide nutritious food to school-going children. This improves the health of children and they also do well in studies. With this scheme, millions of children are being saved from malnutrition and their health is improving. Let us know how many children are benefiting from MDM and how it is improving their health.

Malnutrition is a serious problem in India, especially among children. Many schemes are being run to reduce it, one of which is the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) scheme. The main objective of this scheme is to provide nutritious food to school-going children. This not only improves the health of children, but also improves their studies.

How many children are benefiting from MDM?
Under the MDM scheme, lakhs of children are provided lunch in school every day. About 12 crore children are benefiting from this scheme. This has reduced the problem of malnutrition to a great extent. Children who were weak and sick earlier have now become more healthy and active.

How does MDM improve children’s health?

  • Balanced diet: The food given under MDM contains essential vitamins, minerals and proteins. This fulfills the nutritional needs of children and their physical development takes place properly.
  • Increasing immunity: Eating nutritious food increases the immunity of children. This enables them to fight diseases.
  • Mental development: Good health also helps in the mental development of children. This improves their concentration and memory power, which is helpful in studies.
  • Physical development: Daily nutritious diet helps children to increase their weight and height properly. This makes them feel more active and strong.
  • School attendance: Due to MDM, children’s school attendance has increased. Now they come to school with more enthusiasm and take interest in studies.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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